Digital marketing is not so different from traditional marketing. The underlying principle in marketing is that you have got a product you would like to sell, and you apply techniques that allow you to engage with customers in order to build brand awareness with a view to making a sale.

Digital marketing is basically marketing your product or service online. It entails but is not limited to online content development, Search Engine Optimization(SEO), professional blogging, mobile marketing, web design, video marketing, and Social Media Marketing.

Since Internet usage has grown tremendously in the past decade, internet advertisement has become important, and any business that does not utilize it misses out. As such, digital marketing has grown to encompass more roles and skills.

According to Marketing Hiring Trends, the demand for digital marketing professionals supersedes the supply, and 44% of businesses are looking to hire more digital marketers. There are massive opportunities in this sector.

Types of Digital Marketing Jobs

With digital marketing, you have a wide range of career options since there are so many digital marketing jobs.

The career options include;

  •       Video/ audio production
  •       Mobile marketing
  •       Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  •       Interactive technology
  •       Content Management and Strategy
  •       Email Marketing
  •       UX Design
  •       Social Media Marketing
  •       Virtual Reality Development and Editing

Is Digital Marketing a Lucrative Career Option?

The online store is gradually taking the place of the traditional brick-and-mortar store. It is becoming easier to purchase products from the comfort of your couch. Digital marketing is a great career choice for anyone who would like to be part of this revolution.

Are you wondering if there are enough opportunities in digital marketing? Between 2011 and 2016 alone, the demand for digital analytics professionals has gone up by 150%. That of content marketers has gone up by a whole 450%. Conductor, a New York company, reported a 112% increase in demand for SEO professionals, with their salary being as high as $94,000. 

The rising tendency to digitize businesses has created a paradigm shift in the types of professionals on demand. Businesses increasingly need the expertise of digital marketers, who are able to exploit the internet, in a good way. Experts who have the knowledge of creating community blogs, web pages, social media ads, among other things. This explains the rise in the demand for digital marketing professionals.

5 Things That Make a Career in Digital Marketing Lucrative

 1. The Pay 

Income is one of the major factors used to gauge how good a career is. Why do we wake up early in the morning to work anyway? It’s in the pay!

How much money does a digital marketer bag?

Well, several factors will affect your digital marketing salary. The major factor is your level of expertise in what you do, and the experience thereof. It is almost obvious that an entry-level professional would not receive the same pay as a guru in the same field. 

In the United States, Email Marketing Managers take home between $60,000 (25th percentile) to $83,500 (75th percentile).

A survey conducted by Glassdoor, an occupational resources website, revealed that digital marketers earn an average of$57,000 annually.

2. An Opportunity to get Self-Employed

Digital marketing puts you on a quick path to self-employment. Who hasn’t thought of being their own boss? With the assumption that we are alike, you have cracked your brains on this too!

 How is this possible? You may be wondering.

 Working as a digital marketer would see you either employed by other established marketing agencies or establishing your own marketing agency.

You need the expertise to run a business and the capital to start the business if you were to go this direction. This may not happen as soon as you are qualified; you’d probably like to gain enough skills in digital marketing before going it alone. 

Imagine how much easier it would be for you when marketing your own firm using the digital marketing skills you have acquired over time.

3. Diverse Career Paths at Your Disposal

As we had reviewed the types of digital marketing jobs, you do realize that digital marketing is a very broad career.

 As a digital marketer, you have the liberty to choose from a plethora of career paths. Flexibility is not easy to come by in the job market.

There is a catch though. Inasmuch as you may want to master one digital marketing skill, which is not a bad thing, by the way, it is safer for you to learn several aspects of digital marketing. Employers and clients are looking for versatile people who are sort of Jacks of all, or at least, many trades.

 4. Good Career Outlook

 One of the most daunting exercises in careers in the job hunt. In some careers, one has to spend several weeks, and sometimes months, looking for a job.

 Everyone wants to get a job as soon as they are qualified unless you are looking for an extra qualification, that of job-seeking. What do you need that for though?

 How soon you land a job depends on the specific job outlook. It would take you relatively longer looking for a job if the jobs are few or far apart.

 The probability is high that you will not experience this with digital marketing. Digital marketing has a very strong outlook. Organizations are rapidly increasing how much money they spend on digital marketing. The demand for digital marketing experts is on the rise.

 5. Several Learning Avenues

 For you to take on any career, you need the necessary occupational skills, how you acquire the skills notwithstanding. This is unless your career path needs accreditation, in which case the qualification path may be a bit rigid.

 You do not need to attend college, say for four years, in order for you to partake of a digital marketing career. Getting a college degree would sure get you ready for a career in digital marketing, but you are not doomed if you did not attend college.

You can pursue a career in digital marketing by taking short online courses, so many of which are free. Employers and clients focus on your digital marketing skills, not how you acquired them.


 If you were not sure what the future of your marketing career would look like, we hope you now have enough information to map out your career path.

 A career in digital marketing is good, but you have to put in the work and acquire the right skills. Keep up with the digital marketing trends as well.

 Once you have set your career rolling, you will not regret venturing into digital marketing.