Even for those who are content with their company’s overall productivity, there are always some logistical improvements to be made. Of course, people often dread the idea of implementing any expensive or effort-intensive improvement, even if the end result is worth it. However, some of the most efficient improvements in your company’s organization are as simple as de-cluttering your office or improving the way in which you deal with your digital assets. With this in mind, here are a couple of organizational tips and tricks that you could definitely benefit from in the following year.

1.    Refresh your WordPress Blog

The first thing that you should do is get a facelift is your online presence. The simplest and coincidentally the most impactful of these changes is the one related to your WordPress blog. Creating an updated list of resources, preparing templates for your posts, as well as establishing some policies about guest posting can make a huge difference. Apart from this, doing a bit more research on ways to improve your content and even finding the right content tools can help you get head and shoulders above your closest competitors.

2.    De-clutter your Office

Another major improvement you might be interested in is getting your office space in order. You see, having clutters everywhere is not only unaesthetic but also impractical. First of all, it makes commute across the room much more difficult and second, it creates an additional visual distraction for your employees. The best way to deal with this is to look for a cleaning company that can frequently tend to your headquarters, as well as to apply the three years’ rule regarding your furniture and appliances. You can also inquire about self storage prices in Brisbane and place all those excess items there before you figure out whether you should sell them, donate them or just throw them away.

3.    Improve your Storage Room

There are two features that serve as metrics of how good is a particular storage solution. It has to be A) space-saving and B) easily accessible. By applying these principles to your company’s storage room, you can indeed make a huge difference. For instance, the supplies you need on a regular basis need to be stored close to the door, so that you don’t have to traverse the entire storage room to get them. Furthermore, labeling and organizing your office supplies intuitively can help you save a huge amount of time.

4.    Circular Emails Instead of Meetings

One of the greatest problems with meetings isn’t that they take too much time (which they do) but also that they distract people from their core-tasks. Namely, one of the recent studies has determined that people waste somewhere about 31 hours per month on meetings. Sure, meetings are important for your business but is every meeting your office holds absolutely vital? In a scenario where you have an important announcement to make or want your coworkers to help you out with barnstorming, you should definitely hold a meeting. On the other hand, minor announcements can be dealt with through circular emails.

5.    Segment your Office Floor

According to those who’ve studied the effects of colors on our psychology, nuances of yellow and blue act calmingly on your staff, while nuances or red and orange make them more aggressive and alert. This is why the first two colors are preferred by your company’s creatives while the latter two are ideal for your sales team. One more important conclusion that stems from this is the fact that different departments within your office need different working conditions in order to show optimal performance. This is just one of the reasons why it is smart to segment your office floor.

Another benefit from this practice is the fact that it helps you separate the breakroom from the rest of the office and in this way avoid having people on breaks distracting others who are still working.

In Conclusion

The best thing about these five organizational tips is that they boost your overall efficiency level substantially, with little to no investment required. Aside from paying for a new digital tool, setting aside some time for a bit of office redecoration and a temporary lease on a storage unit, you aren’t expected to do much else. In other words, a turnaround caused by these innovation processes are next to non-existent.